**Crabtree Photography will be taking fall portraits on (August 23rd: Pre K, August 24: K-2). BEFORE PHOTO DAY Payment with cash, check or money order. · Please have your order form filled out completely, with exact payment sealed in the envelope. The student will turn this in on photo day. Place your Prepay order securely online by following the steps below. · Online ordering is OPEN NOW and will be CLOSED 24 hours after photo day! · Visit (https://crabtree-photography.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/LoginConsumer?EK=204288) · Enter your students first, last name and grade. If you have more than one student AT THIS SCHOOL, you may enter their information as well. This is how we will match the photo to your order.
over 2 years ago, Heather McHolland
School Picture Day
Deerfield Elementary Preschool is now a Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) approved provider.  For information about child care assistance through the CCDF Voucher Program click the link below. https://www.in.gov/fssa/carefinder/child-care-assistance/ Click the link below for information about Preschool @ Deerfield Elementary https://www.rc.k12.in.us/page/preschool-at-deerfield
over 2 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
Click below for access to Randolph Central Quick Links to important school information. https://5il.co/1f9vd
over 2 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
This is a reminder that Randolph Central is having onsite enrollment at ALL schools today (7/22) from 9 AM to 2 PM and Monday (7/25) from 2 PM to 6 PM for any parent who needs assistance. Parents can also enroll their new or returning child online anytime at: https://www.rc.k12.in.us/page/online-registration
over 2 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
Building a bright future for Randolph Central students.
over 2 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
Campus Arial Shot
The Randolph Central Board of School Trustees voted to hire Anna Spencer as the new Lee L. Driver Middle School Principal. Ms. Spencer served as the WCHS Assistant Principal last year, which gave our community the opportunity to get to know her and the quality of her work. She has 20 years of experience as a middle school teacher in which she served in many leadership roles. Congratulations Anna! We are happy to have you in this new role and look forward to great things for Lee L. Driver Middle School under your leadership.
over 2 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
A Spencer Photo
Summer Food Pantry Information for Elementary Students
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Geesy
Summer Food Pantry Information
Kick Off Your Shoes and Reuse Annual Shoe Collection. The Collection Runs April 24th - May 8th
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Kick Off your shoes
Baker Elementary has a limited amount of extra yearbook copies for sale. The cost of the yearbooks are $13.00. Please contact the office for more information. Payment may be cash or check. Please make checks payable to Baker Elementary.
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Good news! If your child didn’t get to the Book Fair, you can still shop Baker Elementary School’s online Fair. Every online purchase means 25% in rewards back to your school. Plus, any leftover eWallet funds from your in-school Fair can be spent online! Thanks for supporting reading while giving back to our school! We hope your child came home with wonderful books in their hands, and a bright smile on their face. The Online fair will be open until March 20th.
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Online Book Fair
Good news! If your child didn’t get to the Book Fair, you can still shop Baker Elementary School’s online Fair. Every online purchase means 25% in rewards back to your school. Plus, any leftover eWallet funds from your in-school Fair can be spent online! Thanks for supporting reading while giving back to our school! We hope your child came home with wonderful books in their hands, and a bright smile on their face. The Online fair will be open until March 20th.
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Baker Elementary's Fall Book Fair March 7th - March 11th Please send money with your child in an envelope marked "Book Fair". The book fair is open during school hours. Orders may be placed online as well. The link is posted below. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bakerelementaryschool14
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Book Fair
Kindergarten roundup will be March 7 - 11th. Please stop in the office to pick up a packet during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Don't forget to bring your child's birth certificate. This is pre-registration for Kindergarten. We look forward to seeing you and your students!
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
KG round up
BEFORE PHOTO DAY Payment with cash, check or money order. Please have your order form filled out completely, with exact payment sealed in the envelope. The student will turn this in on photo day. Place your Pepay order securely online by following the steps below. Online ordering is OPEN NOW, and will be CLOSED 24 hours after photo day! Visit (https://crabtree-photography.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/LoginConsumer?EK=191184) Enter your students first, last name and grade. If you have more than one student AT THIS SCHOOL, you may enter their information as well. This is how we will match the photo to your order. Choose your package for the first student, and/or add-on items, add to your cart. Repeat the process if you have more than one student. Click on your cart, and complete the check-out process. You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours of placing your order. If you do not, please call the Crabtree Photography office (765) 747-6971 to check the status of your order. There's no need to bring any paperwork with you on photo day! When you receive the email confirmation, we have received your order! After the 24 hours, your order may be subject to additional fees so please act NOW.
almost 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
spring portraits
Randolph Central will close and students will be on eLearning today, Friday, February 25, 2022. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
All parents of 2nd - 6th grade ECI boys basketball teams, your child will be announced during halftime of the boy's WCHS varsity basketball game tomorrow evening. We also have a limited supply of posters that the varsity team will be signing during halftime of the JV game. The JV game starts at 6:00 pm and players will get in free if they are wearing their ECI t-shirt.
about 3 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
Congratulations to the Lady Falcons on tonight’s win and to Caitlyn Campbell for reaching 1000 career points! The school board meeting scheduled for this Tuesday evening will be moved to Thursday evening February 10 at 6 PM. The Board meeting will be at the WCHS/DMS Library.
about 3 years ago, Thrillshare Training
Randolph Central will be closed and students will have an eLearning Day tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation
Yearbook orders have been extended due to the incoming weather. Please have your order turned in online or into the school office by Monday, February 7, 2022. Please take advantage of this opportunity to order your child's yearbook. These memories will be cherished for years to come. Click the link below to order today. http://crabtree-photography.hhimagehost.com/BakerElementary20212022Yearbook
about 3 years ago, Heather McHolland
Good Evening! This is a reminder that Randolph Central Schools will return to in-person instruction on Monday, January 24, 2022. If your child(ren) has symptoms or there is a positive case in the household please keep them home and call the nurse at your child's school. Thank you for your patience as we work through this latest COVID-19 surge together. Click the link below for COVID-19 screening guidance. Thank you! https://5il.co/k7wj
about 3 years ago, Randolph Central School Corporation